Posts about learning
- freeCodeCamp
- My first Microsoft Visual Studio Code [VSCode] extension
- Starting again with Jekyll
- Git and GitHub
- Git ` — allow-unrelated-histories`
- How to make time for 100 days of code
- Use the React Context API with Gatsby
- Using the React Context API - getting started
- Get your GraphCMS data into Gatsby
- Convert the Gatsby default starter to styled-components
- Turning a job hunt into a dev project
- Windows Web-dev bootstrap
- Setting up multiple Git providers
- Creating a Custom React Hook for Gatsby Site Metadata
- Testing MDX
- Update Windows Subsystem Linux Ubuntu from 18.04 to 18.10
- Track Custom Events With Fathom Analytics
- Globally Style the Gatsby Default Starter with styled-components v5
- Add a Table of Contents with Smooth scroll using Gatsby and MDX
- Convert the Gatsby default starter blog to use MDX
- Create a Custom Domain for Fathom Analytics
- Add Analytics Tracking Links to your Markdown
- Make a simple, personal, URL shortener with
- A Digital Garden
- Continuous Deployments on Non Essential Projects
- Moving Large Markdown Assets to a CDN
- CSS Variables Fallback
- Moving from Now to Netlify then back to Now
- Patching Packages with patch-package
- Why Make a React SEO Component
- Build a coding blog from scratch with Gatsby and MDX